
Susan A. Starwing
I was born in Toronto Canada, but was educated and raised in northern Ohio, where I still have family and dear friends.
In 1973 I moved to Denmark, where I have resided since. I have traveled to many power spots in different countries, and especially enjoy the energy of southern England and Wales.
I teach drama and art classes and I'm a certified stress/tension release therapist and have a passport in advanced one-brain techniques. I give workshops in intuitive painting and shield making courses. I have given poetry recitals in Denmark and England, and am a colorful speaker on subjects such as shamanism, healing, and my own life story. I have a great interest in herb lore, crystals and other gifts of Avalon. My fascination with horses since childhood has enabled me to become a gifted healer of these enchanting animals.
Working with cosmic energy, I create personalized shields. I discovered my talent for shield making in a dreamtime vision informing me that I am a sister of the shields. The energy of the shields is not only for personal protection and meditation, but also helps protect our planet.
I have been fortunate enough to work with such light workers as: Juan Nunez del Prado, Chief Sonne Renne, Paul Walsh-Roberts, Carlos Barrios, and Sanjay Mishtra.        
Thank you for visiting this site. I hope it has warmed your heart, for that would give me much joy.
“Starwing” is a channeled name and spiritual title. It is seeded from the Twelfth Seat of Jahil in the council of Shambala.
Love, light, laughter,
                                 Susan Starwing .

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